the version of the ROM is booth.bin
the system image I'm trying to boot is Lisa Office System 5/5.image which I got from a vintage mac file archive
processor is Intel Core Duo 1.55ghz (thus using Intel version of LisaEm), Mac OS X 10.4.8 with all the latest patches, 2gb ram
is it perhaps that that version of LOS is too old (I think I read somewhere on the LisaEm site that it runs at least 7/7?)? There isn't any place I can find at least that provides these OSes for download and I certainly would consider them abandonware...perhaps someone who has known working copies of one or more LisaEm compatible OSes could zip 'em up and send 'em to me via a email attatchment if they're 10mb or less or send them to my via a service like (MacWorks would definetly be neat too) or point me to a site that has one or more of these OSes for download? Thanks! :-)
On 1/29/07, James MacPhail <gg__at_email.domain.hidden> wrote:
> Hi Hex,
> >the author seems to have disappeared... :-/
> >Why are you answering everyone elses reqest for help except mine???
> >Please help me and stop ignoring me! :-(
> Ray has a full time job and a family, so he will be prioritizing his time
> based on a number of factors; it isn't personal.
> If we don't hear from him for a week or three it doesn't mean he has
> disappeared... he has been working on this for years; I'm sure he is
> motivated to get any serious bugs resolved, but it will take some time.
> We all know that software that doesn't work right can be frustrating, but
> politeness and patience will probably help make it worthwhile for him.
> >screenshot of the error I am unsure of its meaning
> [The image shows Lisa startup error 10735]
> Error 10735 is "SYSTEM.LLD missing"
> I expect that means that you need to get the newest version, but it could
> be some other problem, such as a problem with the floppy disk image you
> are
> trying to boot.
> >please tell me if that's the catch 22 you were referring to???
> The catch-22 was that the first release wouldn't work without a profile
> image, and the profile code was broken, so you couldn't create one.
> Perhaps
> this was one of the symptoms.
> >Does this new release you've mentioned resolve this issue?
> Yes, it is supposed to.
> Try the latest version. If the problem persists, let us know with:
> - version of the Lisa ROM are you using
> - floppy image are you trying to boot
> - specifics of your platform (processor, OS version, amount of RAM)
> >By more modern machines are you implying my mac mini is not modern?
> He was saying that slower machines might not run the emulator at an
> acceptable pace (I expect he will be able to improve on this over the next
> few months). He wasn't implying anything about your particular mini.
> As you know, there is more than one version of the mini, and their
> performance varies. If yours is one of the current models (eg. 1.6 GHz
> Intel coreDuo), I would put it at the "pretty-fast" end of the spectrum.
> Regardless, you get to decide if the performance of a particular version
> of
> the software on some particular piece of hardware is good enough for you.
> In fact, since the Lisa was generally considered fairly slow and sluggish,
> fast hardware might not give an accurate emulation.
> >please zip up the scanned images of the lisa books you have and upload it
> You can already find most, if not all, useful Lisa documents on various
> websites; you might try these:
> <>
> <>
> <>
> HTH,
> James
> >
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