On 1/29/07, James MacPhail <gg__at_email.domain.hidden> wrote:
> >newest version of LisaEm and I still get that error message
> >the system image I'm trying to boot is Lisa Office System 5/5.image
> Ok, that would be the problem. You are supposing that 5 is newer than 4,
> etc., but in fact, since LOS does not fit on 1 floppy, the number
> indicates
> the floppy number, not the version.
> You will need to get images 1..5, and disk 1 will be the only bootable one
> (which contains the LOS installer). After initializing the ProFile, the
> installer will ask for the subsequent disks.
> FYI, the last version of LOS is 3.1.
> Off the top of my head, the only other versions were 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.
> >the version of the ROM is booth.bin
> I suppose that is version H (the last one), but if problems recur, confirm
> by checking the top right of the Lisa window to see what version is
> displayed there during the self-test.
> HTH,
> James
> >
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