Hello everybody,
James you might be right, I think it is possible I have hot-plugged the
floppy drive (connected and disconnected the ribon cable with the Lisa
I worked a lot today to find the cause for the new problem of the IO Board,
i found out that when I desolder and remove U7B, I can get a CPU Error on
the screen, the image is very fuzzy tough and not very readable, I have
tried to desolder and remove all chips directly connected to the adress bus
and data bus and nothing changed, when I removed U7B i could finally get
this image: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/405/dsc0508q.jpg/
otherwise, the white
I have installed and soldered the all removed chips one by one and found
out that U7B is a link to the problem, I say link because i replaced it
with a new chip and the white screen with the cpu error can not be seen any
more. but the rest of the screen remains the same.
Now, I cannot make any more tests because I don't whant to fight to my
girlfriend but I have to test the chips related to the FDC Controller.
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Received on 2015-07-16 07:26:52