I hope you marked the original setting.
Setting a pot will not repair the PSU.
Now we will have to adjust the PSU again, too. First we should get it repaired, don't you think so
TOM from Bavaria
> The pot (r11) was set at about the 11 o clock posotion, it turned to the 1
> o clock posotion. I reinstalled all the cards and the drive cage, but but
> did not power on. For giggles, I also tried the 9 o clock and 6 o clock
> posotions, but they all had the same result... a whump from the speaker.
> I put my ear to the back of the machine where the PSU is and listened. When
> the machine is 'off' there is a very faint hum. When I press the power
> button, there is a quick hiss sound (hsssssssst).
> Just curios, what is the other pot on that riser card for?
> -Jason
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