-- Adam Vaughn Collector of old computers, video game systems, radios and other electronic equipment... Visit my page at http://www.electronixandmore.com/adam/index.htmlReceived on 2005-10-15 08:19:50
> >While printing a document, it seems to have a tendency to shut itself off
> >mid-print.
> I think I recall a bug in some earlier versions of MacWorks Plus that would
> result in spontaneous shutdowns such as you describe.
> If you are using MacWorks Plus, updating to a more recent version may
> reduce or eliminate the problem. I think your likely choices are 1.0.18x
> and 1.1h.
> Hope This Helps, but let us know if it doesn't.
> James
> James MacPhail "Think not of engineering as art,
> uo957_at_email.domain.hidden but of art as engineering"
> Sigma Seven Systems Ltd.
> james_at_email.domain.hidden <http://SigmaSevenSystems.com>
> --
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