I have an Apple Lisa 2 with the 10 MB internal hard drive and 400 K floppy drive.
On Oct 18, 2006, at 9:55 AM, Ray Arachelian wrote:
> Patrick Symes wrote:
>> I need help to fix a Lisa error 57, that is a disk controller
>> problem.
>> Any ideas?
> The self test code says this:
> 1136| ; Check disk alive indicator
> 1136|
> 1136| 4282 CLR.L D2 ;clear for
> use CHG022
> 1138| 227C 00FC D901 MOVE.L #VIA2BASE,A1 ;set
> ptr to
> parallel port 6522
> 113E| 0229 00BF 0010 ANDI.B #$BF,DDRB2(A1) ;ensure
> bit
> 6 is input
> 1144| 203C 001C 8000 MOVE.L #DSKTMOUT,D0 ;set up
> timeout count for 15 secs
> 114A| 0811 0006 @2 BTST #DSKDIAG,IRB2(A1) ;check
> indicator
> 114E| 6606 BNE.S @3 ;skip
> if set
> 1150| 5380 SUBQ.L #1,D0 ;else loop
> until timeout (about 8 us per loop)
> 1152| 66F6 BNE.S @2
> 1154| 7439 MOVEQ #EDISK,D2 ;error if
> not set CHG022
> 1156|
> Error 57 comes from the above code (EDISK). It's looking for the
> DiskDiag line to be set within 15 seconds. You get this error when
> that
> doesn't happen.
> Which could indicate several things: VIA2 might be bad - very
> unlikely,
> especially if you can boot off a ProFile.
> It could be a problem with the drive or more likely the Lisa Lite
> board. It could also be a bad I/O board.
> What kind of Lisa do you have? Specifically, which I/O board do you
> have, and what kind of floppy does it use? 400K? 800K? Is there a
> Lite
> board?
> >
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