Thanks for the quick response, that info is really useful. There are currently 4 refurbished 1.2 amp psu's available on ebay item no. 140065349601 but they are going for $189.99 each plus shipping to the Uk which seems a lot to me so I will try and get my unit repaired locally. I'm ok ish with a soldering iron but dont fancy doing a repair like this myself.
Can you still get the DataCentre units now? Looked on the web and cannot find anyone that sells these?
I had a look inside and the PSU unit does say 620 on the board but
there are no other numbers after it!?!
It looks to be in reasonable shape except one largish blown capacitor.
Ive taken some photos for all to look at.
Whilst looking at the power supply I decided to strip out the cards
and discovered my Lisa has suffered from the dreaded NiCad battery
leak on the I/O board - aargh!
Have removed the offending batteries, and carefully removed most of
the green corrosion with an old toothbrush and although the batteries
haven't leaked excessively there is some damage to the board which
will need to be addressed before I get the machine powered up. Is it
possible to bypass the corroded areas with some fresh solder, or would
it be better to run some small wires to each of the circuits on the
problem areas. Any suggestions will be much appreciated as I would
imagine finding a replacement I/O board for one of these is like
trying to find hens teeth.
While we are on the subject of the I/O board, excuse my ignorance here but what does the on off switch do just below where the batteries once were?
Again I have attached some photos of the offending area for all to look at.
Many thanks
On Oct 10, 10:03 pm, James MacPhail <g..._at_email.domain.hidden>
> >burst capacitor on the power supply but as this is a UK version is rated
> >at 220v and 0.7 amps.
> >Does anyone here know where I can get a replacement unit or how I go
> >about getting it repaired in the UK.
> Someone familiar with repairing switching power supplies should be able to
> fix it. For example, a local TV repair shop.
> If you are handy with a soldering iron, you may be able to repair it
> yourself, especially if replacing capacitors is all that is required. There
> are lethal voltages involved, so care and caution are required.
> Note there are two designs of the Lisa PSU, the earlier Apple design and
> the later DataPower design. When looking for a replacement, the latter is
> considered more rugged and is very easy to switch to 220V.
> Your PSU, rated at 220v and 0.7Amps, is the Apple design (often referred to
> as the 1.2A PSU, because of its rating at 120V).
> The 220 and 120 volt variants of the PSUs are only slightly different, the
> schematics on the internet apply to both. (Which may be useful for repair,
> or altering a replacement, eg. from eBay.)
> There is further information in the LisaFAQ:
> <>
> I see the LisaFAQ is missing the Apple part number for your variant of the
> PSU, can you see it on a label on the PSU enclosure somewhere? (Probably
> 620-xxxx)
> HTH,
> James
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