From fri0701's post:
I've been working with LisaEm and BLU a bit over the last few days...
Just found an AppleNet conflict with their system with one at CHM:
00102092 83125 2/5
00102092 3356 2/5 A6S0300 CHM
I also noticed a huge overlap in the Applenets at the Texas plant on Nov 18 1983 and Oct 26 1984 (A friday..)
The 1983 AppleNets range from 00107325 to at least 00107435
The 1984 AppleNets range from 00107203 to at least 00107772
So there's at least
110 AppleNets that are overlapped.
Perhaps with some more work we can spot all these overlaps and remove them from the calculation? Perhaps plotting out the "address space" of each factory at each day would be a good place to start.
PS: Something magic happened on June 6th, 1984 at the Texas factory. The system SNs and AppleNets aligned
SN A4158122 AppleNet 00104122, 4158108 00104108, A4158066 00104066...