Re: Hello all!

From: Marshall <britishcar_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:39:20 -0400

My Lisa has H/88 ROMs (I believe) and no screen mods. You can tell if it *doesn't* have screen mods by the fact that the Mac OS looks very "tall" on the screen.

I rescued it from running Mac System 4.2 (I think) and its been running Lisa OS 3.1 with all 7 apps for quite some time from the 10MB internal Widget. Fitting a 400k Mac drive is the cleanest way to got but look at the grey cables, often they are torn or puntured from mishandling (they are fragile) and you may have a wire snapped on one of them.

You won't be able to install the Lisa OS unless you have "virgin" or "deserialized" (or the original!) disks.

Marshall H.
Fairfax, VA

Hatle, Steven J. wrote:

>Just about any 400K Mac floppy should be interchangeable with drives in the
>There were some 800K disk drive ROMs that you could use with MacWorks to
>give 800K support- you might have one of those. It would be on the I/0
>board. If you need to know where and how it's marked, I can take a look at
>mine- I have one on one of my spare I/O boards.
>IIRC, I don't think the 800K drives made their appearance until the Mac
>Plus, so if you can find a 512 you can scavenge the drive out of that.
>A big difference between MacXL and a "real" Lisa was ROM versions. It's
>been a while, so forgive me if I'm wrong here, but most XL Lisa's have HA/88
>ROMs- this appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen when the
>machine is coming up. You need to have an older version, which I can't
>remember right now. Now I have an excuse to fire up one of the old girls!
>Also, a lot of XL's had a screen conversion kit added, which consists of
>some different chips on the CPU board, and a doodad that plugs into the
>video board near the neck of the CRT. Look in from the top down, and if you
>see the doodad stuck to the side of the compartment with double-sided tape,
>and connectors that bridge it into the video board, then you have the screen
>kit installed. This changed the pixel shape from the rectangular Lisa pixels
>to square "Mac" pixels. You definitely can't run 7/7 with a screen mod
>A good reference is Larry Pina's "Macintosh Repair and Upgrade Secrets", if
>you can find it. It has a chapter on Lisa and how to identify and get them
>back to original shape. Unfortunately, the bits 'n pieces to do this are
>hard to find- not like a lot of Lisa ROM sets are hanging around, though
>they shouldn't be to hard to burn if you had a master set and the gear.
>If you need more specifics, let me know and I can dig out my stuff and
>refresh my failing memory.
>Oh- and if anyone knows where I can find a working Widget, please pass it
>along! <grin>
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Anthony G Beckett [mailto:anthony.beckett_at_email.domain.hidden]
>Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 7:56 AM
>To: lisalist_at_email.domain.hidden
>Subject: Hello all!
>Hi all!
>I just signed up to the list, and I am hoping that you guys can help me with
>my Lisas!
>I have two Lisa 2's - one works great, one has a blown tube and power
>supply. What I would like to know is - is there any technological difference
>between the Lisa 2 and the Mac XL - that is, besides the software?
>The reason I ask is, both hard disks in the Lisa's have MacWorks installed -
>and I would rather run LisaOffice. I have downloaded the Operating Systems,
>transferred them to 400k install disks using DiskCopy 4.2 on a Mac and I
>here is where I am stuck.
>Watching the Lisa attempt to load them was not a pretty site - for starters,
>one of the disk drive occasionally spins. Not good.. The other does not like
>to load and eject properly. Half way inserting a disk causes the mechanism
>to drop. If you hold the mechanism up, push the disk in, then let it drop,
>it flicks the head up and down the disk and returns a five digit error code
>with a picture of the lisa and a cross through it (10xxx - xxx might have
>been 571, cant remember )
>I think my floppy drives are cactus - however, the mechanisms do not seem
>that common - the oldest macs I have are Mac 512's, and they look similar to
>the newer Mac Plus drives. When connected to a Lisa, their reaction could
>only be described as "bezerk". Constant ejecting.
>So - where or what machine can I butcher to rescue my Lisa from System 6?
>I apologise if this email seems disjointed.
>Thanks in advance ladies & gentleman!
>Anthony G Beckett
>Anthony G Beckett

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