Ray Arachelian a Žcrit :
> I've added your solution to the FAQ.
> I've also added a picture of the 1.8A PS jumpers that allow switching
> from 110V to 220V. Can anyone confirm how they are set for 220V?
> I've also added Jason Perkins' excellent picture of the Widget Brake.
> Direct URL's:
> http://lisafaq.sunder.net/lisafaq-hw-pwr_220v_vs_110v.html
Nice job !I have both 1.2 and 1.8A 220V power supply, I can try to take
picture of them. Is it easy to dismantle -not taking appart from the
Lisa, but having access to these jumper ?-
I also took some picture of the brake and other thing: http://perso.orange.fr/jerome.vernet/specs/lisa.htm
You can use any picture here for the FAQ. A good example is this one: http://perso.orange.fr/jerome.vernet/images/imagessasfepus/lisa/IO.jpg to illustrate the battery dammage on the IO card.
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