Hello James MacPhail,
nice to hear from you again!
Is it possible to set the date beyond the year 2001? If I try to set
the date to 2011, the year will be always set to 1995- only setting
the year to 2001 will work.
I have tried this under System 7.1. Under System 6.07 the year can
only be set to 1995- why that?
If I try system 7.5- how high can I go with the date?
BTW: I have a Lisa Sound DAC, but I don't anything about the jumper
settings, the proper slot assignment etc...
What is the newest Eprom version for the Sound DAC? Do I need any
special driver for system 6.07 or 7.1 or even newer?
Thanks for any help!
Helmut Post
On 4 Mrz., 19:12, James MacPhail <g..._at_email.domain.hidden> wrote:
> There has been a little bit of discussion regarding an update to
> MacWorks Plus II 2.5.0 to fix the Lisa clock's 16 year range
> limitation.
> If that happens to be pursued, there is a corresponding opportunity
> to fix outstanding bugs, or perhaps add a (very minor) feature.
> So, if you are aware of any bugs in MW+II 2.5.0, please bring them to
> my attention. At the moment, the bug list is blank, so don't assume
> any particular bug is already known.
> Thanks,
> James
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