>Is it possible to set the date beyond the year 2001? If I try to set
>the date to 2011, the year will be always set to 1995- only setting
>the year to 2001 will work.
>I have tried this under System 7.1. Under System 6.07 the year can
>only be set to 1995- why that?
>If I try system 7.5- how high can I go with the date?
This problem is independent of the Macintosh System version.
The Lisa's hardware includes a "real time clock" which has a range of only 16 years. Depending on the operating environment, year "0" of the clock corresponds to some particular year. In MW+II, I believe year 0 is 1988.
So, the maximum date that works in MW+II is around 2003.
I'd guess that your System 6 environment is using MacWorks Plus 1.x. and I suppose its year "0" is 1980, making the maximum 1995.
That is the problem that an update would address, allowing the use of a wider range of dates.
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