Well, I first took my working Lisa profile to the low level format
process (inserted the Z8, booted the A3, closed the jumper and -
"formatting error, fail" ... I checked everything I could imagine..
well, the parallel cable is about 1,5m long but it works when I
connect the working A3 profile...
the same error message comes when I disconnect the cable.. so somehow
the formatting software does not "feel" or see the disk.. it is always
the same error message.. no matter if I connect the cable, disconnect
it, change the z8 chip with the original chip.. it does not matter
when the Z8 is installed, the disk does not do the testing with the
stepper.. if the original chip is inserted it does all the tests and
comes up after around 2 minutes..
I wanted to low level format my working profile .. so that I know the
disk is not the problem..
.... at the moment it seems to me that the formatting software does not interact with the profile card.. if I boot up with SOS 1.3 and connect my A3 profile I have access to the profile without problems.. so the cable and the profile interface card should work...
Any ideas? it was really a hard piece of work to get all the components.. I'd be really happy if somebody can help. I also can make pictures of my setup...
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